


                                       Artist statement

Мы воспринимаем современную реальность как подвижное, гибкое пространство, в котором одновременно существуют и перемешиваются прошлое, настоящее и будущее. Нас интересует волнующий нас своей непредсказуемостью процесс, в котором человек одновременно выступает в роли творца и лабораторной мыши. Творчество становится игрой, в которой каждый следующий шаг приближает нас к границам обычной повседневной жизни.

Мы жили в одном из спальных районов Москвы, среди безжизненных пейзажей панельных многоэтажек, где достаточно остро ощущается, будто ты находишься в вакууме. Окружающая пустота стала катализатором создания нашей собственной мифологии места, заполнившего его мертвую оболочку и превратившего серые будни в невероятное, загадочное и захватывающее приключение. Это открытие стало отправной точкой, повлиявшей не только на наше восприятие конкретного места, но и на все ощущение мира, превратившегося в огромный искусственный лес, новый дом для «цифрового аборигена».

Нас интересует, в какой степени технологический мир вторгается во внутренний мир человека. Какие изменения происходят, чем мы жертвуем и что получаем взамен. Погружаясь в наше полуреальное, полувымышленное пространство, мы помогаем его обитателям материализоваться и найти здесь свое место. В какой-то момент мы сами становимся ими и получаем подсказку для следующего шага.

We perceive contemporary reality as a moveable, flexible space in which the past, present and future simultaneously exist and mix. We are interested in a process, which excites us with its unpredictability, in which a person simultaneously takes the role of the creator and the laboratory mouse. Creativity becomes a game in which each next step brings us closer to the limits of conventional everyday life.

We lived in one of the residential districts of Moscow, among the lifeless scenery of paneled high-rise buildings, where you can quite acutely feel as if you're located in a vacuum. The surrounding emptiness was the catalyst for creating our own mythology of the place that filled its dead shell and turned that gray everyday life into an incredible, mysterious and exciting adventure. This discovery was the starting point that influenced not only our perception of a particular place, but also the whole feeling of the world, which turned into a huge artificial forest, a new home for the "digital native".

We are interested in the extent to which the technological world invades the inner world of man. What changes are happening, what we are sacrificing, and what we get in exchange. By plunging into our half-real, half-fictional space, we help its inhabitants materialise and find their place here. At some point we ourselves become them and are given a clue for the next step.



CrocodilePOWER is a group founded in 2011 by Peter Goloshchapov and​ Oxana Simatova. They turned to the theme of studying today’s world and the place of man in it. CrocodilePOWER create mythologies somewhere between fantasy and reality, between technology and nature. They realize them in projects that unite different art objects: painting, sculpture, and installations. CrocodilePOWER painting depict landscapes of dystopia, and in sculpture, their characters are created from fiberglass, porcelain, wood, moss, bark, iron, and other materials. In their projects, the artists try to achieve the sense of “augmented reality”, where fictional is so organically built into a reality we know, that its existence seems possible (either in the past, present and future).

Peter Goloshchapov​ was born in 1982 in Moscow. In 2005, he graduated from the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. A grant winner of the Ministry of Culture of the RF in 2005, 2008 and 2012. In 2012 completed an internship at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London.

Since 2019 PeterGoloshchapov is a member of  international Academy of Ceramics, Genève, Switzerland

Since 2011 working with Oxana Simatova(1979, 2008 graduated from the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, diploma with honors) a grant winner of the Ministry of Culture of the RF in 2002

In 2012 completed an internship at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London.

In 2019 she taught the course “Self promotion in Contemporary art” at the “Free Workshops” school at Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

From 2020 till 2022 she taught the course “Contemporary painting” at HSE Art and Design School   

CrocodilePOWER is a participant of the International Biennale of Vallauris (2014) and the Moscow International Biennale for Young Art (2014, 2016, 2018).

In 2015, the solo show of an art duo was held at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. 

In 2020 took part in a group show “From form to surface”  Vantaa Art Museum, Vantaa, Finland

Their works are exhibited in galleries and museums in Finland, Romania, Russia, US, UK, France.

Was featured in art magazines Hi Fructose, Museeum, Kult, InStyle, Scena9 and Vogue.

Represented by:

Marina Gisich gallery/ Saint Petersburg,

Triumph gallery/ Moscow,

Steinhauser gallery/ Bratislava

Selected exhibitions:

Solo shows

2020 - To catch the attention of a Selfie-taking Sphinx. Marina Gisich gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

 2017    - TGHNN CrocodilePOWER/Sandor Szasz Triumph gallery, Moscow

             - Life in the lonely wood. Mobius gallery, Bucharest, Romania

             - Insomnia. VLADEY Space. Moscow, Russia

2016    - The borders of memory. Budapest Art Factory. Budapest, Hungary

2015    - Out of range. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia

2014    - Russian space. Triumph gallery. Moscow, Russia

2013   - Inner taiga. Triumph gallery. Moscow, Russia

 Group shows


-Osmos. Fluent aesthetics. Electromuseum, Moscow, Russia

-Hidden Places. MaxArt Foundation, Bunker 703, Moscow, Russia

- COS20MOS21 mediacenter Zaryadye. Moscow, Russia


- The 2020 New Members' Exhibition. International Academy of Ceramics

in collaboration with the Guozhong Ceramic Art Museum, Guazhong, China

- From form to surface. Vantaa Art Museum, Vantaa, Finland

- Zero Edge. International online show

- State of Emergency. Triumph gallery, Moscow, Russia

- A wave of dreams. Triumph gallery, Moscow, Russia


- Plastic. The State Russian Museum / The Marble Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

- Quid est veritas?, Annka Kultys gallery, London, UK


- Through the Looking Glass, Ural Vision gallery, Yekaterinburg, Russia

-Paradoxical hybrids, Hlebozavod Center for Contemporary Culture, Vladivostok, Russia

- Homo Deus, Vacation gallery, New York, USA

- CAPITAL@ART.INTERNATIONAL, O S T > S T E R N, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

-The 6th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Parallel program. Paradoxical hybrids, Electromuseum, Moscow, Russia

-ATTRACTION: Manege — Triumph gallery. Other shores, ManegeCentral Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia


-Finite resource. 7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art. Parallel program. Special project. Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, Tonnel gallery, Moscow

 -WANT / The Cost of Desire.  Mobius Art Week, The Hub, Bucharest

 -Hooray! Sculpture! Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg


-The 5th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Parallel program. Only  unofficial language. Winzavod contemporary art centre. Moscow, Russia

-The 5th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Parallel program. Special project. Nominibus trivialibus, synonimis selectis. The Apothecaries Garden, the Botanic Gardens of Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia

-The 5th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Special project. 19/92 At first. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia

-The 5th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Parallel program. Symbol. Moscow metallurgical plant A sickle and a hammer. Moscow, Russia

 -Always contemporary. The art of XX–XXI. Rosizo gallery. Moscow, Russia 


-Hooray! Sculpture! Winzavod contemporary art centre, Moscow


-The 4th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Parallel program. Moscow. Barocco.Triumph gallery. Moscow, Russia

 -The 4th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Special project. Before & After. Tunnel gallery. Moscow, Russia


-The other side of things. Elektrozavod gallery. Moscow, Russia

 -The Study of Researches. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia


-Luck is an attitude. Martini Art Club. Pobeda gallery. Moscow, Russia
Martini Art Weekend. Red October. Moscow, Russia


-Operation Smile. Charity Auction of Russian Art by Christie’s. Moscow, Russia


-Moscow International Biennale for Young Art Qui vive? Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia


-2012 Henkel Art Award , winner of a national round

-2021 ArtUMagazine

Art fairs:


-Cosmoscow art fair, Moscow


-Cosmoscow art fair, Moscow

-SCOPE Art Show, New York,USA
-Da!Moscow Art Show, Moscow, Russia
-Budapest Art Market, Budapest, Hungary

-Russian Art & Antique Fair, Moscow, Russia
-CONTEXT Art Miami, Miami,USA
-Cosmoscow art fair, Moscow, Russia
-Vienna art fair Vienna, Austria
- Art Moscow  Moscow, Russia


-Two Sides of The Same Coin? — New Year Reflections Inspired by Tapping into the World of Visionary Artists. TransAtlantic Panorama, By Kati Szeker, 2018

 -Kult magazine. Issue #21 Dreams 2017

 -Esti sigur cä esti treaz? Scena 9. Andra Matzal. 2017

 -Meet the Russian art duo creating superheroes themed ceramics for local museums. Museeum.com. By Alexandra Filippenko, 2016\

-Homo Deus la New York. Scena9. Mara Dănilă. 2018

-The Dystopic Visions of CrocodilePOWER by Andy SmithPosted on December 5, 2019

-Ceramic Now “From form to surface” 2020


 -Inner Taiga 2013

 -Moscow.Barocco. 2014 ISBN 978-5-906550-27-9

 -XXIIIe Biennale internationale creation contemporaine et ceramique Vallauris 2014 ISBN 978-2-35906-119-2

 -Russian space 2014

 -Out of range 2015 ISBN 978-5-906550-54-5

 -DI(MMOMA) Reloading N1/2 2016

 -Unofficial language 2016 ISBN 978-5-906550-59-0

 -Symbol 2016 ISBN 978-5-906550-70-5

 -Always contemporary. Art XX-XXI 2016

 -...hurrah! Sculpture! 2016 ISBN 978-5-9907878-0-3

 -This game has no name 2017 ISBN 978-5-906550-89-7