crocodilePOWER - art duo
Мы воспринимаем современную реальность как подвижное, гибкое пространство, в котором одновременно существуют и перемешиваются прошлое, настоящее и будущее. Нас интересует волнующий нас своей непредсказуемостью процесс, в котором человек одновременно выступает в роли творца и лабораторной мыши. Творчество становится игрой, в которой каждый следующий шаг приближает нас к границам обычной повседневной жизни.
Представьте, что наша жизнь — это небоскрёб, в котором на последний этаж ведут разные пути. Ваш маршрут может быть извилистым, вы всю жизнь поднимались наверх, или застряли на одном из этажей, а потом однажды подниметесь на скоростном лифте и в конце концов узнаете, что находится за той маленькой дверью ведущей на крышу с надписью «Выход». Мы хотим быть человеком, у которого есть связка ключей от запасных дверей на балконах. По пути на крышу он выходит на балконы и приглашает других людей присоединиться к нему и посмотреть, что происходит за бетонными стенами и пыльными окнами.
Быть художником для нас значит создавать собственную реальность и материализовать мысли, случайно угадывая образы и темы, волнующие не только тебя, но и других, случайно давая другим людям повод для размышлений и время от времени вдохновляя других.
We perceive contemporary reality as a moveable, flexible space in which the past, present and future simultaneously exist and mix. We are interested in a process, which excites us with its unpredictability, in which a person simultaneously takes the role of the creator and the laboratory mouse. Creativity becomes a game in which each next step brings us closer to the limits of conventional everyday life.
Imagine that our life is a skyscraper, in which different paths lead to the last floor. Your route can be tortuous, you have been climbing upstairs during whole life, or get stuck on one of the floors, and then one day go up on a high-speed elevator and eventually find out what's behind that small door with the inscription "Exit" which is leading to the roof. We want to be a person who has a bunch of keys from emergency doors on the balconies, during the way to the rooftop comes out into the balconies and invites other people to join him and see what’s going on outside the concrete walls and dusty windows.
Being an artist means for us to create own reality and materialize thoughts, accidentally guessing the images and themes that thrill not only you, but also other ones, accidentally giving to other people a cause for reflection and from time to time inspiring others

My Universe is my eyes…
oil on canvas

Eve 2024
oil on canvas

Otium 2024
wood,metal, mixed media

Dwell in the same realm 2024
oil on canvas

Faun 2024
160x110 cm
oil on canvas

Forest cteatures 2024
25x25cm oil on canvas

Forest Folks
painted bronze

Plastic World got me. Silent night. 2023
oil on canvas, 75x103cm

Plastic World got me. She 2023
oil on canvas, 75x103cm

Plastic World got me. Adam 2023
oil on canvas, 110x160cm

It will be Eve 2023
mixed media

I’m on fire. 2023
oil on canvas

It will be Eve 2023

It will be Eve 2023
mixed media 77x51x25cm

Some of Gods 2023

Some of Gods 2023
mixed media

Morning bananas 2023
80x60cm oil on canvas

Things look pretty good from here… 2023
mixed media

Fade away… 2023

Fade away… 2023
mixed media 115x64x32cm

Sudden anxiety 2023
120x90cm oil on canvas

2021 oil on canvas, embroidery

Midsummer midnight
2021 oil on canvas

Midsummer midnight 2
2021 oil on canvas

2021 oil on canvas

Moirais. Spinner
2021 mixed media

Moirai. Spinner
2021 mixed media
123х76х32 cm

Moirai. Allotter
2021 mixed media

Moirais. Allotter
2021 mixed media

2021 oil painted bronze

Hut on the edge of the forest
2021 oil on canvas

Holly king. The appearance
2021 oil on canvas

Oak king
2021 bronze, resin

Trial hut. East
2021 mix media

2020 oil on canvas

Oak king. The overthrow.
2021 oil on canvas

Trial hut. West 2021
mix media

Propolos_указывающая путь
fiberglass, aluminum, plastic, bronze, neon

Afterglow заря вечерняя 2020
200x15ocm, oil on canvas

First light рассвет 2020
220x150cm, oil on canvas

The last enemy 2020
wood, fiberglass, aluminum, resin, clay, bronze

Anonymous_никто нигде 2020
fiberglass, metal, plastic, aluminum, bronze

Feeling of the setting sun 2020
fiberglass, resin, wood, bronze

Movement towards the rising sun
To catch the attention of a selfie-taking Sphinx
fiberglass, resin, aluminum, bronze

All-seeing Sphinx 2020
To catch the attention of selfie-taking Sphinx
fiberglass, plastic, aluminum, copper, camera, bronze

My mind says no (second edition) 2020
plastic, resin

Dark pond тёмный пруд 2020
220x150cm, oil on canvas

Dark desires pond 2019
150x220cm, oil on canvas

By the feel 2020
plastic, resin

Second coming/ More human than human 2019
fiberglass, mixed media 194х94х113cm
/Человечней человека 2019
фиберглас, смеш.техника 194х94х113см

Звук грома/The sound of thunder
2019 oil on linen 170x100cm

Second coming/ More human than human 2019
fiberglass, mixed media 194х94х113cm
/Человечней человека 2019
фиберглас, смеш.техника 194х94х113см

Побег/The Escape
2019 oil on linen 170x100cm

My mind says no/Мой разум говорит нет
2019г., пластик, смола, 99х44х33см
plastic, resin

Comprehend them with madness 2018 oil on canvas 90x120cm

My mind says no/Мой разум говорит нет
2019г., пластик, смола, 99х44х33см
plastic, resin

Laugh them with sadness 2018 oil on canvas, 90x120cm

Are you sure you are awake? 2017, fiberglass, metal 90x104x63cm
/private collection/
Are you sure you are awake?(detail) 2017, fiberglass, metal 90x104x63cm

Follow me. (second edition) 2018
plastic, resin, glass, fiberglass, mixed media 97x28.5x25cm

Fuck them with innocence 2018 90x120cm oil on canvas

Follow me. (second edition) 2018
plastic, resin, glass, fiberglass, mixed media 97x28.5x25cm

Bolster them with weakness 2018 oil on canvas 90x120cm

Seek&Hide / я иду искать 2017, plastic,resin, metal, fiberglass, mixed media 100.5x33.5x33.5cm /private collection/

Afterparty 2017, oil on canvas 110x120cm

Seek&Hide / я иду искать 2017, plastic,resin, metal, fiberglass, mixed media 100.5x33.5x33.5cm /private collection/

Savagery / одичание 2017, oil on canvas 145x118cm

Follow me / следуй за мной 2017, plastic, resin, glass, fiberglass, mixed media 97x28.5x25cm

Follow me / следуй за мной (detail) 2017, plastic, resin, glass, fiberglass, mixed media 97x28.5x25cm

Seek&Hide / я иду искать 2017, plastic,resin, metal, fiberglass, mixed media 100.5x33.5x33.5cm /private collection/

Follow me / следуй за мной 2017, plastic, resin, glass, fiberglass, mixed media 97x28.5x25cm

It's time to d.... / время для... 2017, oil on canvas 137x115 cm

Vague feeling / смутное чувство 2017, fiberglass, neon, metall, hammock, moss 200x200x200cm

Ready or not? / готов или нет? 2017, oil on canvas 137x115cm

Crystal dawn 2017, oil on canvas 90x120cm
/private collection/

Vague feeling / смутное чувство 2017, fiberglass, neon, metall, hammock, moss 200x200x200cm

5:01 2017, oil on canvas 120x160cm

4:12 2017,. oil on canvas 120x160cm

Not yet / Не сейчас 2017, fiberglass, neon, cable 40x120x90cm

8:36 2017, oil on canvas 120x110cm

Not yet / Не сейчас 2017, fiberglass, neon, cable 40x120x90cm

2:08 2017, oil on canvas 120x160cm
Not yet / Не сейчас (detail) 2017, fiberglass, neon, cable 40x120x90cm

3:36 2017, oil on canvas 120x120cm

Not yet / Не сейчас (detail) 2017, fiberglass, neon, cable 40x120x90cm

Memory1 2016, oil on canvas 110x180cm

Muscle memory 2016, wax, old pallets, plastic, candles

Memory2 2016, oil on canvas 110x180cm
Roadside gifts 2016, wax, moss, twigs, dry leafs, cones

Reflection1 2016, oil on canvas, varnish 180x110cm
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Reflection2 2016, oil on canvas, varnish 180x110cm

The Catcher2 / ловец2 2015, fiberglass, moss 164x70x54cm

Room83 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 180x110cm
/private collection/

The Catcher / ловец (detail) 2015, fiberglass, metal, wood 186x60x35cm
/private collection/

Room308 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 180x110cm

The Catcher / ловец 2015, fiberglass, metal, wood 186x60x35cm
/private collection/

Room117 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 180x110cm
/private collection/

The Catcher / ловец (detail) 2015, fiberglass, metal, wood 186x60x35cm

Episode21 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 50x50cm

The Hunter / охотник (detail) 2015, fiberglass, metal, moss, wood, glass 205x96x300cm
/private collection/

Episode22 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 50x50cm

The Hunter / охотник (detail) 2015, fiberglass, metal, moss, wood, glass 205x96x300cm

The Hunter / охотник 2015, fiberglass, metal, moss, wood, glass 205x96x300cm
/private collection/

The Guardian / страж (detail) 2015, fiberglass, wood, metal 100x85x50cm

Episode15 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 50x50cm

The Guardian / страж 2015, fiberglass, wood, metal 100x85x50cm

Episode21 2015, oil on canvas, varnish 50x50cm
/private collection/
Episode1 2013, oil on canvas 120x240cm(6 canvases 60x80cm each)
Episode2 2013, oil on canvas 120x240cm(6 canvases 60x80cm each)
Shatter0001 2013, fiberglass, wood, metal, glass, concrete, 45x50x124cm

Episode3 2013, oil on canvas 120x320cm(8 canvases 60x80cm each)

Shatter0003 2013, fiberglass, wood, glass, concrete, 90x76x140cm

Episode4 2013, oil on canvas 120x240cm(6 canvases 60x80cm each)
Inner taiga / внутренняя тайга 2013, used ventilation tube, spruce trunk, needles, moss, taxidermy mannequin, 180x45x200cm
Episode5 2013, oil on canvas 120x240cm(6 canvases 60x80cm each)
/private collection/
Inner taiga / внутренняя тайга (detail)
Episode6 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
/private collection/
Inner taiga / внутренняя тайга (detail) 2013, used ventilation tube, spruce trunk, needles, moss, taxidermy mannequin, 180x45x200cm
Episode6 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
/private collection/

Shatter0004 2013, fiberglass, wood, metal, glass, concrete, 136x42x83cm
Episode6 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
/private collection/
Episode10 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
Episode11 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
Episode13 2013, oil on canvas 90x110cm
/private collection/